Dreadout game concept
Dreadout game concept

dreadout game concept

It doesn't help that so much of the game looks the same, so it's easy to get turned around and confused (or outright lost) when the camera wigs out on you. The camera loves to pivot around when you go through doors, leading to temporary disorientation as you try to figure out which direction the character is facing. Gameplay is less a mixed-bag, and is more universally terrible. The difficult-to-read signposts and lack of any sort of in-game map just exacerbates the sameness of the game's environmental design. Only two rooms in the entire building had unique decorations (a teacher's office and what appeared to be a biology lab). The school building was particularly bad, as all the classrooms had the same desks, chairs, and backpacks sitting around. It is very easy to get lost in a few areas of this game because so much of the environment looks the same. That mood rarely lasts though, because you'll turn a corner and find repetitive environments and flat textures.

dreadout game concept

Some of the environments are decent, and there's the occasional well-placed lighting or particle effect that helps to set a mood. But what's presented on screen is often only passable for a PS2-era game, and there's very little artistry or detail in the majority of environments. It's an indie game, so I don't expect its graphics to impress on any technical level. The ghosts and monsters themselves actually get better development and depth, as each one is given a thematic backstory, and its aesthetic design attempts to represent that theme - with varying degrees of success.ĭialogue and voice-acting might have been going for deliberate camp, but ends up just being bad.

dreadout game concept

They'll disappear for the majority of act 1, rendering the game's futile attempts at early character-building moot, and likely leading to you forgetting that they ever existed until they reappear later. Don't worry though, you won't have to put up with them for long. I'm not sure if it's a matter of poor translation, cultural disconnects, or if it's a deliberate attempt by the developers at camp, but the dialogue and voice acting is cringe-worthy. And they sound almost as stiff and robotic. The main character, Linda, looks and animates decent enough, but the other characters all look incredibly stiff and robotic. The opening moments of DreadOut set the bar pretty low for what was to come. Each death progressively increases the time it takes to get back into the gameĪ Fatal Frame wanna-be that fails at almost every level.Weak atmosphere and ineffective jump scares.The central mechanic (the camera phone) is prone to malfunction.I really hope that something can be done with regards to the janky gameplay we’ve seen so far, as there is a scarcity on really atmospheric and genuinely terrifying horror games. The whole concept is amazing for the horror genre in general, as you’re literally forced to face your fears in order to progress effectively. Gameplay is mostly akin to the Fatal Frame series, in which you take photos of ghosts in order to dispel them effectively.

dreadout game concept

As much as I can forgive those back in DreadOut, it would take a really special draw to sell me on this, although I can understand the audience for it.ĭreadOut, and by extension DreadOut 2, is an uncommon take on the survival horror genre as it’s infused with very creepy and unsettling Indonesian supernatural horror. For one, the framerate in some sections of the game looked pretty bad, and there’s a definite clunky-ness that can be associated to the animation and the game’s returning camera mechanic. Check out the trailer below to see just how it plays like.Īs tense and atmospheric as the beginning felt like, it seems like there’s considerably more issues with DreadOut 2 in comparison with the original DreadOut.

Dreadout game concept Pc#

The jank, however, did little to slow its playerbase, and the game boasts a Mostly Positive reception on Steam, with Mixed reviews coming in recently due to the impending release of a sequel.Īs it stands, players should look forward to more jank in the sequel, too, as Digital Happiness has released a new gameplay teaser trailer for DreadOut 2, set to be released at a later date on PC via Steam. It was not very good on a technical level, with bugs, glitches and a ton of other issues stacked on top of one another, in addition to the clunky gameplay. Back in 2014, when horror games were hitting an all-time popularity high thanks to Let’s Play videos on YouTube, an Indonesian studio by the name of Digital Happiness released DreadOut, a third-person horror adventure game for the PC.

Dreadout game concept